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According to Article 5, Item 1 of "TKU Regulations on the Examination Process for Graduate Degrees":


Graduate students complete the online originality detection system comparison report of the thesis, and confirm by the advisor along with his/her written signature.



From August 1, 2023, the graduate students MUST have the report with the advisor's signature before applying for the oral defense. Graduate students cannot apply for the oral defense if they don't have this report.



Description from the Office of Academic Affairs:


 ()研究生於提報學位考試前:students should do before applying for the oral defense:

  1、應完成論文原創性比對系統線上偵測,比對報告之「篩選條件」可勾選排除引述及參考書目,比對結果之相似度指數不得超過百分之二十五。但各學系、所、學位學程得依其領域,在合乎全校標準下,自訂更嚴格之比對標準。Students should complete the Turnitin Originality Check and the "filter conditions" of the comparison report can be checked to exclude citations and bibliographies. The similarity idcex of the comparison results shall not exceed 25%.

  2、申請學位考試時,需提交經指導教授簽名確認之論文原創性比對系統報告給所屬單位審核,審核通過之比對報告由學生所屬單位留存備查。When applying for the oral defense, students must hand over the comparison report with the advisor's signature to the office of department.

↑綜合上述說明:研究生在申請學位考試之前,就應該寫好論文並做完線上比對,才能提出論文考試申請。如果沒做完線上比對,系助理不會接受論文考試申請表。Based on the above explantion: before applying for the oral defense, students should finish the dissertation and complete the online Turnitin Originality Check. Students' application for the oral defense will not be accepted without completing the online comparison  check.


 ()學位考試委員於提交研究生學位考試成績通知單時需檢核並確認:the oral defense committee members must check and comfirm when submitting the oral defense score:

  1、學位論文符合所屬系、所、學位學程專業領域之聲明,以確保學位論文品質。Students' dissertation must comply with the professional field of department to ensure the quality of the dissertation.

  2、學位論文原創性比對系統線上偵測報告之相似度指數未超過百分之二十五。The similarity idcex of the comparison results shall not exceed 25%.

↑綜合上述說明:論文考試日期之前,研究生還要再將論文上線比對一次。也就是說,在口試時給各位口試委員看的論文,必須要事先做過比對之後,才能在口試前寄給所有口試委員。同樣,這份比對報告一樣要經由指導教授簽名。口試結束後的成績通知單上,指導教授要勾選比對通過。Based on the above explanation: Before the oral defense, students must complete the online Turnitin Originality Check again. In other words, students' dissertation can be sent to all the oral defense committee members only after the online Turnitin Originality check. Also, the comparison report must be signed by advisor.


 ()研究生繳交紙本論文時:when students submit their dissertation:

  1、列印最終論文原創性比對系統線上偵測報告其中2頁:論文封面與相似度指數百分比頁面,學生與指導教授均須於相似度指數百分比頁面簽章,再連同紙本論文繳交至本處註冊組。To print 2 pages: one is the cover page of dissertation, the other one is the comparison report page with similarity index percentage. Students and advisors must sign on the comparison report page.

  2、將上述之簽名頁面掃描後加入論文原創性比對系統線上偵測報告中,再將電子檔繳交給所屬單位。Students have to E-mail the comparison report file and the scanned page of the comparison report page with similarity index percentage and signature to the office of department. 

↑綜合上述說明:在論文口試結束,完成修改論文之後,準備要跑離校手續之前,研究生還要再做一次論文比對。同時要將「論文封面頁」與「比對報告中有百分比的那一頁」都印出紙本,再由研究生與指導老師在比對報告中有百分比的那一頁下方簽名。另外,比對報告的電子檔先寄給系助理。Based on the above explanation: After the oral defense, after the correction of dissertation, before the graduate procedures, students must complete again the comparison check. And students must print "the cover page of dissertation" and "the page with the percentage of the comparion report". Students and advisors must sign on the page with the percentage of the comparison report. Also, students have to E-mail the report file to the assistant of department.

辦理離校手續時,最後一關是將論文正本交給註冊組,同時也要附上前面印出並簽過名的那二頁紙本。但是,在那一步之前,要先來系辦找助理蓋章。系助理會掃瞄有研究生與指導老師簽名的比對報告中有百分比的那一頁並加在事先寄給助理的比對報告內,研究生才能去註冊組完成離校手續。The last step of graduate procedure is to hand over the origial dissertation, and the 2 pages mentioned above to the Register Section. Before that, students must come to office of department to meet the assistant with those 2 pages. The assistant will scan "the page with the percentage of the comparion report" and add that scanned file into the comparison report file sent by students. Then, students may go to the Register Section to complete the graduate procedure.