# | 學年度 | 會議期間 | 著作 | 著作人 |
1 | 104 | 20151119~20151121 | EFL learners’ perception of writing annotations in L2 peer review. | 張雅慧 |
2 | 104 | 20151106~20151108 | Australian tongue and Ag-gag law | 羅艾琳 |
3 | 104 | 20151031 | 《菩薩凝視的島嶼》中的見證與哀悼 | 郭家珍 |
4 | 104 | 20151025~20151026 | Pre-texts for tree-texts: The Rain in the Trees and Asia-Pacific Trees | 羅艾琳 |
5 | 104 | 20151002~20151004 | “Still Waiting”: Speculating limbo in Interstellar | 涂銘宏 |
6 | 104 | 20150909~20170912 | An animal studies reading of the figure of Hippolytus in Hughes's Phedre | 羅艾琳 |
7 | 104 | 20150902~20150904 | Gezai and Shakespeare filmed by carbon | 羅艾琳 |
8 | 103 | 20150717~20150717 | 〈「未來的」災難:《福爾摩莎災與難》中的懷舊與記憶〉 | 涂銘宏 |
9 | 103 | 20150629~20150701 | Individuation and a Life: Reading Poe’s Morella | 陳佩筠 |
10 | 103 | 20150605 | What does time buy? A preliminary investigation on Taiwanese EFL students’ writing performance | 林銘輝 |