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# Entry Year Publication Author
1 110 Climate Change, Zoonosis, and Narrative of Disease in Lawrence Wright's The End of October Robin Chen-Hsing Tsai
2 110 Wild Dogs and Decolonization Iris Ralph
3 110 Solarpunk: Hope In and After the Anthropocene BROWN IAIN KELSALL
4 110 Ecofeminism and Australian Cli-Fi Iris Ralph
5 110 「文以載數」得獎學生作品回顧與啟發 張慈珊
6 109 Interface among Motivation, Strategy Application, Comprehension, and Attribution: An Examination of Taiwanese Adolescent Readers of English-as-a-Foreign-Language Jia-ling Charlene Yau
7 109 10-22 = 阿賴耶 10-23 = 阿摩羅 10-24 = 涅槃寂靜 張慈珊
8 109 〈「分體」:重思遊戲與分身〉。翻譯德勒茲:德勒茲 思想的翻譯、轉化與創造 涂銘宏
9 109 Campus climate: College students' attitude towards homosexuality in Taiwan Jannette Wei-Ting Wang Gutierrez
10 109 Attitudes Toward Homosexuality at a Private College in Taiwan 王蔚婷