icon_phone 電話 (02) 2621-5656 #2343(大學部)、#2494(英語專班)、#2329(碩博士班)、#2342(非英文系學生/外語學門) 傳真 (02) 2620-9912

【比賽】112學年度英語歌唱比賽English Singing Contest

  • 2024/05/01
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  • 刊登人員:朱 敏禎
  • 比賽時間:2024年5月24日 (五) 晚上6時30分至9時00分(結束時間可能提早或延後)
  • 比賽地點:淡江大學文錙音樂廳 
  • 參加資格:全校大學部日間部及進學班學生(英語為母語者亦可參賽)
  • 比賽名額:20組,額滿為止。可個人或團體為一組參賽,但一人僅限參加一組。
  • 比賽獎項:
  • 第一名2,000元+獎狀一紙
  • 第二名1,800元+獎狀一紙
  • 第三名1,500元+獎狀一紙
  • 第四名1,200元+獎狀一紙
  • 第五名1,000元+獎狀一紙
  • 報名時間:5月1日至5月20日止。
  • (1) 填妥線上報名表單  https://forms.office.com/r/2wuRgUgG2a 
  • (2) 上傳4分鐘內的歌曲伴奏音樂MP3檔至表單無人聲,且總長度不得超過4分鐘,檔名須為參賽者系級及姓名。
  • (3) 上傳指定格式的英文歌詞檔至表單。(格式見附件)
  • (3) 至英文系辦(FL207)找Mina繳交保證金100元,才算完成報名。若未如期參賽,恕不退還保證金。
  • 彩排時間:比賽當日15:00~17:00開放文錙音樂廳提供彩排,每組3分鐘。
  • 比賽報到:參賽者須於比賽當日18:00~18:30 至比賽地點報到,比賽開始前未報到則視同棄權。
  • 比賽方式:
  • (1) 一組為一單位,依序上台演唱一首英語歌曲。
  • (2) 出場順序:5月22日(三)下午一點由主辦單位電腦代抽決定,會以MS Teams通知。
  • (3) 比賽曲目:自選英文歌曲一首,以英語現場演唱(卡拉OK形式或清唱皆可),禁止攜帶任何樂器或效果器
  • (4) 比賽時限:每一組表演時間限時4分鐘,逾時即停止伴奏音樂及麥克風消音。
  • 報名後比賽相關重要資訊會以MS Teams訊息並寄信至參賽者以學號為首的o365信箱,請留意信件。
  • 承辦人:Mina 比賽任何問題以及保證金繳交,請直接以MS Teams聯繫:147864@o365.tku.edu.tw (配合Mina課表,保證金收款時間:每周一下午2時前、每周三四下午4時前,或MS Teams約時間至教室繳交。)


  • Date: May 24, 2024 (Friday) from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Venue: Carrie Chang Music Hall (T Building 2F)
  • Organizer: Department of English, Tamkang University
  • Eligibility: All undergraduate students of TKU
  • Number of Participants:Limited to 20, either as individuals or in teams. Each person can only participate in one group. 
  • Cash Prizes: with a certificate
  • 1st Place: NTD 2,000
    2nd Place: NTD 1,800
    3rd Place: NTD 1,500
    4th Place: NTD 1,200
    5th Place: NTD 1,000
  • Sign Up Period: From May 1 to May 20. 
  • How to Sign Up: 
  • (1) Fill out this registration form.  https://forms.office.com/r/2wuRgUgG2a
  • (2) Upload a 4-minute instrumental music MP3 file: Without vocals, and the total length must not exceed 4 minutes. The file name should include the participant's department and name. If unable to upload successfully, please send it to 147864@o365.tku.edu.tw 
  • (3) Upload the English lyrics with assigned form.
  • (3) Submit NTD.100 of deposit to TA Mina Chu at the English Department Office (FL207) before the contest. Mina's office hours available: Monday before 2 PM, Wednesday and Thursday before 4 PM.
  • Contest Procedure: 
    (1) Each contestant/group will perform one English song on stage in sequence.
    (2) Order of appearance: Draw by computer by the organizer at 1:00 PM on May 22 (Wednesday). Notification will be sent via MS Teams.
    (3) Song Selection: Participants can choose any English song for live performance (Karaoke or A Capella are both acceptable). Instruments or effects are prohibited.
    (4) Time Limit: Each group's performance is limited to 4 minutes. The instrumental music and microphone will be muted if the time limit is exceeded.
  • Rehearsal Time: The music hall will be open for rehearsal from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on the day of the competition, with 3 minutes per group.
  • Check-In 
  • Notes:  Important competition-related information after registration will be sent both via MS Teams and to participants' o365 email addresses. 
相關附件 附件Attachment_歌詞格式Lyrics Form.docx 海報.pdf