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# 學年度 專書類別 出版日期 專書名稱 著作人
1 104 專書單篇 2016-06-28 Toxic Objects, Slow Violence, and the Ethics of Trans-Corporeality in Chi Wen-Chang’s The Poisoned Sky 蔡振興
2 104 專書單篇 2016-06-01 Pre-texts for Tree-texts, Deforestation in Taiwan, and The Rain in the Trees," 羅艾琳
3 104 專書 2016-06-01 Teacher Learning and Professional Development Through Computer-mediated Discussions 蔡瑞敏
4 104 專書單篇 2016-05-31 永遠不退流行的大幽默家—談瑟伯《想我苦哈哈的一生》的幽默書寫 蔡振興
5 104 專書 2016-01-01 Reading in a Foreign Language: Focus on Lower-Level Processes 薛玉政
6 104 專書單篇 2016-01-01 ''Road to Road'': Syncretism and the Politics of Identity in M. G. Vassanji's A Place Within 小澤自然
7 104 專書單篇 2015-11-01 翻譯中的差異與空間概念 陳佩筠
8 104 專書 2015-08-01 Key Readings in Ecology 蔡振興
9 104 專書 2015-08-01 語言學:語言與溝通精簡導讀 曾郁景
10 103 專書單篇 2015-06-01 〈第5章 沈黙の音楽――音楽を主題とするマンガにおける欲望機械と女性性〉 涂銘宏